NPO presentation and volunteering at Aids Hilfe Wien - Social Held

NPO presentation and volunteering at Aids Hilfe Wien

published by Luiza Klecki

What does Aids Hilfe Wien stand for?

We want to make the world a little safer and create awareness for sexual health. We are one of the best-known contact points for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland. In addition to our expertise on HIV and AIDS, we also offer testing and psychological counseling on other STIs such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and viral hepatitis. Our services at the Aids Hilfe Haus at Mariahilfer Gürtel 4 include testing, counseling services, care for HIV-positive people, and educational outreach to curb new HIV infections. Together we fight against HIV-related stigmatization and for self-determined sexual health for all people.


What projects are you currently pursuing?

We offer a wide range of educational programs, from youth workshops and training for multipliers to programs for homosexual and bisexual men, trans* people, migrants, and vulnerable groups. Our current awareness campaign #einfachtesten advocates for the normalization of HIV testing. It raises awareness about why it is so important to get tested and also educates people about how HIV can be transmitted.

We are also active in sociopolitical matters and are currently campaigning for HIV to be decriminalized – because people with HIV who are on effective therapy cannot transmit HIV. That’s why they should not be classified as “dangerous persons” under criminal law.


How is your work going during Corona?

Corona also presented some challenges to our operation at the beginning. But together we found good solutions: for example, during the lockdowns we were able to personally deliver our daily freshly prepared food to HIV-positive people. And with our new registration tool at, signing up for tests or counseling services became super easy – avoiding unnecessary waiting times and ensuring good compliance with corona-related hygiene regulations at the facility. Online alternatives have been designed for our workshop offerings.


Who would make your team complete?

There are many opportunities to actively help us out. We welcome support, especially in our volunteer educational work. We often organize information tables for different communities during events, we distribute condoms and brochures during so-called scene tours in queer bars and gay saunas, and around World AIDS Day we collect donations in various Viennese theaters.


What else do you need?

We are always looking for people who can help us with the translation of certain texts so that our messages and offers can reach those who do not speak German so well.

Info about this at:ützen

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